
You will be required at check-out to acknowledge that you have read and understand Shenandoah CREATES Cancellation, Liability and COVID/SICK Policies.

Workshop Payment, Refund and Cancellation Policies

  • Early registration is encouraged. Shenandoah CREATES will close registration 60 days prior to workshop dates for most overnight workshops. If you have missed this window and are interested in attending a workshop, contact us via email and we will try to accommodate your registration request. 

  • For overnight workshops, a $250 non-refundable deposit is due upon registration. Full payment of your balance is due 90 days prior to the start of the workshop.  Failure to pay the balance by the due date will result in cancellation of your registration.

  • One-day workshops must be paid in full upon registration.

  • In the event of student cancellation within 15-60 days prior to the start of workshop, Shenandoah CREATES will make every effort to fill vacated reservations. In the event the space is not filled, Shenandoah CREATES will not be liable for any refund. If the space can be filled, the student will be entitled to a refund of all monies paid less the $250 deposit for overnight workshops or a $10 processing fee for one-day workshops.

  • No refunds will be made for cancellations within 14 days prior to the start of the workshop.  Student may send someone else in their place, provided they notify Shenandoah Creates in advance.

  • No tuition, housing or meals refunds will be made after the start date of workshop.

  • Shenandoah CREATES will conduct workshops for which a minimum number of students are registered and reserves the right to cancel any workshop due to insufficient enrollment. If Shenandoah CREATES must cancel a workshop due to insufficient enrollment, registered students will be notified at least 60 days prior to the start of the workshop and will be given a full refund. Please confirm that your class has sufficient enrollment prior to making travel plans. 

  • Shenandoah CREATES is not responsible for travel reservations or other travel costs in any circumstances.

  • In the event an unforeseen circumstance (for example teacher illness, etc.) results in a workshop cancellation, students will be given the opportunity to transfer to a future workshop.

  • A member from the Shenandoah CREATES team will follow up with a confirmation letter to include: final payment information, venue information and address, and additional workshop instructions.
    (Policies Subject to Change)


Please read and acknowledge at CHECK OUT that you have read and understand Shenandoah CREATES Waiver of Liability.


Student acknowledges, understands, and agrees that: 

  1. By registering with Shenandoah CREATES, Student waives, releases and discharges any and all claims and damages for personal illness, injury, death, or property damage which he/she may sustain, or which may occur as a result of participation in Shenandoah CREATES workshops.

  2. Student discharges in advance Shenandoah CREATES, its officers, managers, employees, and agents from and against any and all liability connected in any way with participation workshop activities.

  3. Such workshops and activities may be of a hazardous, strenuous, and/or physical nature, and participation in said activities may result in injury or property damage. 

  4. Knowing the risk involved, nevertheless, Student voluntarily agrees to participate in said activities.

  5. Student hereby assumes any and all risks of illness, injury, death or property damage and releases and hold harmless Shenandoah CREATES, its officers, managers, employees & agents.

  6. Student will indemnify and hold Shenandoah CREATES harmless from any loss, liability, damage, cost, or expense, including litigation, which it may incur as a result of any injury and/or property damage which may be sustained while participating in said activities.

  7. Student will compensate any loss, damage, or cost Shenandoah CREATES may incur if any litigation arises due to any claim made by Student.

  8. Student expressly allows, and waives any objection, to Shenandoah CREATES photographing while participating in Shenandoah CREATES programs.

  9. Student understands and agrees that all photographs will remain the property of Shenandoah CREATES and that Shenandoah CREATES may use such photographs for archival and promotional purposes, including their use in brochures, other printed materials, social media, and online web pages. Shenandoah CREATES will take all necessary precautions to keep the names of participants confidential unless otherwise requested.

The Student further acknowledges that he/she has read the foregoing, understands its terms and meaning and has made diligent inquiry concerning any questions about this document that he/she may have had. 

Student understands and agrees waiver and release of liability/indemnification carefully and understands all the stated terms. 

Sick Policy

Shenandoah CREATES illness/sickness protection policy.

Student understands and agrees that:

  1. Upon arrival, all participants, instructors, and staff will be asked questions about possible symptoms.  Anyone with symptoms like fever or other illness like COVID will be denied entrance to the workshop until a negative test is obtained or symptoms cease. 

  2. Shenandoah CREATES will not be responsible for lodging, travel or any other expenses associated with COVID symptoms, exposure, or other illnesses.

  3. Shenandoah CREATES reserves the right to require masks if local conditions and/or CDC or governmental guidance indicates that they are needed.

  4. Social distancing is encouraged.

  5. Hand sanitizer will be available during the workshop.

  6. Participants, instructors, and staff agree to forfeit their attendance if they or anyone in the home is feeling sick.

  7. All cancellation policies are enforced regardless of the reason for cancellation.

  8. Shenandoah CREATES recommends that you quarantine for 14 days prior to the workshop, depending upon your local situation, to avoid contracting an illness that could jeopardizing your participation.